
The following categories currently exist:

Player-Facing Categories

Category Name Symbol What Goes Here
Adventuring Template class Templates taken by PCs that represent the niche or role within the party
Traits trait Advantagese, abilities, and flaws a player may take
Skills skill Skills that characters use to do things
Arcane Magic spell Customized Sorcery rules and spells
Divine Magic prayer Customized Divine Favor ruels and learned prayers made with them
Equipment eq Equipment and items the players can buy, sell, or trade, and the rules for doing dow
Rules rule General mechanics for playing the game

GM-Facing Categories

Category Name Symbol What Goes Here
Hexes hex Map hexes and their content
Dungeons dun Dungeons, Areas, Levels, Rooms, and their descriptions
Monsters monster Monsters and monster-related information
Hazards haz Traps and hazards descriptions and rules
NPCs npc NPCs, hirelines, etc. Basically anyone who isn't a PC or a monster
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